Fashionably IP

Christmas, Fashion & IP – is it all Jingle Bells?

HGF Season 1 Episode 8

In the eighth edition of HGF's Fashionably IP Podcast, we are doing something different to what we have done with our previous podcasts and have a Christmas special. In this podcast we are talking about Father Christmas and how if he had been starting out in his toy and joy distribution business what trade mark and design rights he could have combined in his famous red and white outfit.  So we are going to combine Christmas, fashion and a bit of IP.  Merry Christmas from us and all at HGF.


  • 1:34: Santa's outfit and Coca Cola
  • 2:50: Could Father Christmas's outfit have achieved unregistered design rights in the UK and EU?
  • 4:09: EU Unregistered Design Rights
  • 5:29: UK Unregistered Design Rights
  • 8:09: Registered Design Protection
  • 10:54: Could Father Christmas benefit from any forms of IP protection?