Fashionably IP

Parody Fashion Brands: Trade Mark Law Perspective Across the US, UK, and EU

HGF Season 3 Episode 4

Welcome to Series 3, Episode 4 of HGF’s Fashionably IP podcast. In this podcast we talk about parody fashion brands and whether there are any differences in the approach to them in the US, UK, and EU from a trade mark law perspective. Has a recent decision in the US on parody brands brought the various approaches closer together?


  • 02.25: Bad spaniels branded dog chew - the Jack Daniels case
  • 04:04: Why are parody brands popular in the world of fashion?
  • 05:26: Reputable fashion brands
  • 07:04: Do free use provisions come into consideration for parody fashion brands?
  • 07:55: Can you have a parody defence under copy right law in the UK and the EU?
  • 08:40: Key takeaways